Best practice For Naming Shopify Collections

Best Practices for Naming Shopify Collections

What are the Best Practices for Organizing and Naming Shopify Collections?

Shopify is an excellent online store creation platform, but organizing and naming Shopify collections can be tricky. A well-organized collection can help customers navigate your store and find the products they’re looking for.

In contrast, a poorly organized collection can lead to confusion and frustration. This article will explore some of the best practices for organizing and naming Shopify collections.

What are Shopify Collections?

Collections in Shopify are a way to group products based on certain criteria, such as product type, vendor, price, or any other attribute. A collection can contain any number of products and be customized to match the look and feel of your store.

Best Practices for Organizing Shopify Collections

  1. Use Clear and Consistent Naming Conventions:
    The first and most important step in organizing Shopify collections is to use clear and consistent naming conventions. This means using names that accurately describe the products in the collection and are easy to understand for your customers. Avoid using vague or generic names that could lead to confusion.
  2. Use Broad and Narrow Collections:
    It’s important to use both broad and narrow collections in your store. Broad collections, such as “Men’s Clothing” or “Home Decor,” help customers quickly find a general category of products. Narrow collections, such as “Men’s Shirts” or “Throw Pillows,” help customers find specific products within a category.
  3. Use Hierarchy and Sub-Collections:
    Creating a hierarchy of collections can help customers navigate your store more easily. For example, you can have a broad collection called “Women’s Clothing” and then create sub-collections for “Dresses,” “Tops,” “Bottoms,” and so on.
  4. Use Tags to Further Categorize Products:
    Tags are a powerful tool for further categorizing products within collections. For example, you can use tags to identify products that are on sale, new products, or products made in a certain country.
  5. Regularly Review and Update Your Collections:
    It’s important to regularly review and update your collections to ensure they’re still relevant and useful for your customers. Remove any collections that are no longer necessary or create new collections if you have added new products that need to be organized.

Best Practices for Naming Shopify Collections

  1. Keep it Simple and Specific:
    When naming your Shopify collections, keep them simple and specific. Use names that accurately describe the products in the collection, and avoid using vague or generic names.
  2. Use Keywords:
    Using keywords in your collection names can help improve your store’s search engine optimization (SEO). Use keywords that customers will likely use when searching for products in your store.
  3. Be Consistent:
    Consistency is key when it comes to naming your Shopify collections. Use a consistent naming convention across all your collections to make it easier for customers to navigate your store.
  4. Use Capitalization and Punctuation:
    Capitalization and punctuation can make your collection names easier to read and understand. Use title case (capitalizing the first letter of each word) for your collection names. Consider using punctuation such as hyphens or colons to separate words.
  5. Avoid Using Special Characters:
    Avoid using special characters such as hashtags, exclamation points, or emojis in your collection names. These can make it harder for customers to read and understand the collection name.


Organizing and naming Shopify collections is important to creating a successful online store. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can create collections that are easy to navigate, accurately describe your products, and improve your store’s SEO.


  • Q. What is the difference between a collection and a product in Shopify?
  • A. collection is a group of organized products based on certain criteria. In contrast, a product is a single item sold in your store.
  • Q. Can I create sub-collections in Shopify?
  • A. Yes, you can create sub-collections in Shopify to create a hierarchy of collections and make it easier for customers to navigate your store.
  • Q. Should I review and update my Shopify collections?
  • A. Reviewing and updating your Shopify collections regularly is good, especially if you add new products or change your product offerings.
  • Q. Can I use tags to categorize products within collections?
  • A. You can use tags to categorize products within collections in Shopify. This can help customers find specific products based on certain criteria, such as product type, price, or color.
  • Q. How can I improve my store’s SEO with collection names?
  • A. Using keywords in your collection names can help improve your store’s SEO by making it easier for customers to find your products when searching online.

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